Protocol 23.0 Amendment Pack

Please note: All sites must have greenlight status for protocol 21 before they can activate to protocol 23. Please contact the STAMPEDE team if you require assistance with protocol 21 activation.

Please refer to the essential documents page for all current documents.


Protocol 23.0 Training for Site Staff

To book protocol training dates please refer to the Upcoming Training page (password required).

If you were unable to attend the live sessions, please refer to the site staff protocol 23 training video, found on our Training Materials & Resources page with further information.


Updated Essential Documents

Amendment - Protocol 23 (Non-substantial)
Amendment - Protocol 22 (Substantial)
Updated IMP Documents

Note: For IBs/SPCs submitted, please go to the reference safety information page.


New Participant Documents
 Activation Documents
Abiraterone and Abi/Enza Comparison Closure


Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy

See the latest News in STAMPEDE through the link to the right.