Prostate cancer accounts for around one fifth of all male cancers. In the UK there are ~47,000 new cases each year and ~11,000 deaths.

STAMPEDE aims to provide evidence as to what is the best way of treating men with newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer.

Since 2005, almost 12,000 participants joined the trial. We have already reported practice-changing results that show adding docetaxel or abiraterone improve disease control and life-expectancy. Several other strategies have been tested, including the results of abiraterone and enzalutamide combination and radiotherapy to the prostate in men with newly-diagnosed metastatic disease.

The final stage of the trial was seeking to answer two research questions:

  1. Can adding metformin to the treatment of prostate cancer in non-diabetic patients improve life expectancy?
  2. Can hormone injections be substituted for hormone patches to avoid some of the side effects and achieve as good disease control?

The STAMPEDE trial has now completed recruitment. The final day of patient randomisation was completed on 31st March 2023.

The STAMPEDE Trial is supported by Cancer Research UK [Grant # C547/A3804].

Additional support for the trial has been provided by the core funding that the MRC Clinical Trials Unit receive from the UKRI Medical Research Council [Grant # MC_UU_0004/01; MC_UU_0004/02; MC_UU_12023/25; MC_UU_12023/28].

Additional educational grants and drug supply have been received from Astellas, Janssen Pharmaceuticals NV; Clovis Oncology, Novartis; Sanofi-Aventis and Pfizer. The metformin metabolic sub-study is supported by Prostate Cancer UK [Grant # RIA18-ST2-021].

The Swiss participating sites were funded and coordinated by The Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer research (SAKK), supported by the Swiss Cancer Research League and Janssen Pharmaceuticals NV.

The translational components of STAMPEDE are supported by Prostate Cancer UK [Grant # MA-PM16-001], the US National Institute of Health and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.


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Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy

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