Case Report Forms


All CRFs were updated for the activation of Protocol 23, with the exception of:

  • PR08 Form 7D: Metformin Treatment Form V3.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 18: Saliva Pathology Form V14.0 (Jun 2018)
  • PR08 Form 13: EQ5D Health Economics Form V12.0 (Nov 2018)
  • PR08 Form 13: Quality of Life Form and Health Economics V11.0 (Nov 2017)
  • PR08 Form 8: Progression Log V14.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 15: Co-Enrolment Form V V14.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 21: SOC Systemic Therapy V5.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 23:Tissue Sample Form V6.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 25: Transdermal Oestradiol Treatment Log V3.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 26: Metabolic Sub-Study Sample Form V1.0 (October 2020)

The following CRFs are no longer in use from Protocol 23 onwards:

  • PR08 Form 13: EQ5D Health Economics Form V12.0 (November 2018)
  • PR08 Form 13: Quality of Life Form and Health Economics V11.0 (November 2017)
  • PR08 Form 7C: Abiraterone and Enzalutamide Treatment Log V4.0 (October 2020)
  • PR08 Form 22: Blood Form V6.0 (October 2020)

Please refer to the CRF Version History V4.0 document below for guidance on which version of the CRFs should be used.


Current Case Report Forms


CRF Version History v4.0

CRF Completion Guidelines v9.0

SAE CRF Completion Guidelines v2.0

18-AUG-2022 onwards

22-FEB-2022 onwards


Superseded Case Report Forms

CRF Version History v1.0

CRF Version History v2.0

CRF Version History v3.0


21-FEB-2022 - 17-AUG-2022

30-Nov-2020 - 21-FEB-2022


26-NOV-2018 - 29-Nov-2020


 05-JAN-2018 - 25-NOV-2018



20-JUN-2017 to 04-JAN-2018


05-0SEP-2016 to 19-JUN-2017


Prior to 05-SEP-2016


Superseded Sub Study Documents

Prior to 19-SEP-2017


Systemic Therapy in Advancing or Metastatic Prostate cancer: Evaluation of Drug Efficacy

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